What Is The Past Tense Of Thrust? How To Spell It?

By Benjamin Essek

What Is The Past Tense Of Thrust?

The past tense of thrust is thrust or thrusted. Thrust is the usual usage, while thrusted is an old one and is rarely used. 

Thrust is an irregular verb, so you need to memorize their verb forms without any rules. However, its past and past participle forms remain the same as its base form, so it’s quite easy to remember.

The below tables will give you more verb forms of thrust:

Base/Infinitive Form (V1 form) thrust
Present Form/3rd Person/Singular Form thrusts
Past Form (V2 form) thrust/thrusted
Past Participle Form (V3 form) thrust/thrusted
Present Participle/Gerund thrusting

How To Pronounce “Thrust” Correctly?

Both American and British people pronounce thrust as /θrʌst/, and thrusted as /θrʌstɪd/. You can take a look at the table below for more details.

Verb Forms Pronunciation 
British English language American English language
thrust /θrʌst/ /θrʌst/












thrusting /θrʌstɪŋ/ /θrʌstɪŋ/

How to pronounce thrust and thrusting correctly? You can watch the videos below:

Thrust pronunciation:

Thrusting pronunciation:

What Are The Definitions Of Thrust? How To Use It?

The past tense thrust has 2 meanings, similar to its base form. We use it to talk about actions or sayings that happened before the time of speaking. Below are thrust definitions and examples:

  • To push something or somebody suddenly and forcefully in a certain direction/ To move rapidly and abruptly in a specific place.

Example 1: The boxer thrust/thrusted his fist forward and landed a powerful punch on his opponent’s jaw.

Example 2: The wind suddenly picked up and thrust/thrusted the boat off course.

  • To make a sudden and forceful movement towards someone with a weapon or other object to attack them aggressively.

Example 1: He thrust/thrusted the spear at the charging bull, stopping it in its tracks.

Example 2: The robber thrust/thrusted the gun into the cashier’s face and demanded all the money from the register.


Created on By Benjamin Essek

Past Tense Of Thrust

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form of thrust:

1 / 7

The boat was _____ off course by the sudden gust of wind.

2 / 7

I saw the soldier ____ his bayonet into the enemy's chest, taking him down.

3 / 7

He always _____ the broom vigorously across the floor.

4 / 7

The car suddenly _____ forward when the driver hit the gas pedal too hard 2 hours ago. (See past tense of hit here)

5 / 7

The assassin _____ his knife at the politician's back, but was stopped by a security guard.

6 / 7

The fighter is _____ his fists at his opponent in the ring.

7 / 7

She ____ her suitcase into the overhead bin and sat down in her seat.

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Is Thrust A Noun? 

Yes, “thrust” can also be used as a noun. Below are 2 meanings of it: 

  • The act of pushing forcefully in a certain direction/a strong push

Example: The swimmer used powerful thrusts of his arms to propel himself through the water.

  • (in engineering) the force produced by an engine or other mechanism

Example: The airplane’s engines generated enough thrust to lift it off the ground.

  • The main idea or opinion that is discussed

Example: The professor’s lecture outlined the main thrust of his research on climate change.

What Are The Synonyms And Antonyms Of Thrust?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, some common synonyms of the verb thrust are: push, shove, propel, drive, move, force, jam, impel, compress, ram, depress, bear (down), weigh (upon), rise, climb, ascend, lift, soar, mount, upturn, slope, tilt,  and lean.

Antonyms of the thrust are: plunge, drop, fall (off), descend, dip, decline,  sink, dive, and slide. (See past tense of slide here)

What Are Some Idioms And Phrasal Verbs Of Thrust?


  • Force/thrust/ram something down somebody’s throat: To forcefully try to make someone accept or believe something (in an annoying way), to impose something on someone against their will

Example: The government is trying to thrust this new policy down our throats without proper consultation or debate.

Phrasal verbs:

  • Thrust aside: to refuse, dismiss, or reject something or someone.

Example: Despite her best efforts, her boss thrust aside her proposal without even considering it.

  • Thrust on: To impose or force something onto someone or something, often without their consent or agreement.

Example: The project was thrust on the team at the last minute, leaving them with very little time to prepare.

  • Thrust upon: To force someone to accept responsibility or burden

Example: The role of leader was thrust upon her without warning or preparation, but she rose to the challenge.

Is “Thrust” a Transitive Or Intransitive Verb?

Thrust can be both a transitive and intransitive verb for all its meanings. When it acts like a transitive verb, it requires an object that receives the actions.

  • Example: As a child, I felt like my parents always thrust their beliefs and values on me, even if I didn’t agree with them.

When it acts as an intransitive verb, it stands alone without any following object.

  • Example: The car suddenly thrust forward, nearly hitting the pedestrian crossing the street.