Past Tense Of To Ski – How To Use It Correctly?

By Benjamin Essek

What Is The Past Tense Of To Ski?

The past tense of “ski” is “skied“. For regular verbs like “ski,” the past tense is formed by adding “-ed” to the base form of the verb. Irregular verbs, on the other hand, have unique V2 forms that do not follow this pattern.

Check out the table below for more verb conjugations of the verb ski:

Base/Infinitive Form (V1) ski
Present Form/3rd Person/Singular Form skies
Past Form (V2) skied
Past Participle Form (V3) skied
Present Participle/Gerund skiing

How To Pronounce Ski And Skied Properly? 

The V1 form “ski” is pronounced as /skiː/. It rhymes with the word “see.” To pronounce it correctly, start with the “s” sound, then the “k”, and finish with the long “e” sound.

The V2 form “skied” is pronounced as /skiːd/ in American and British accents. To say it right, add the sound “d” to the end of the V1 form’s pronunciation.

You can check out the table below and practice pronouncing: 

Verb Forms Pronunciation 
British English language American English language
ski /skiː/ /skiː/


/skiːd/ /skiːd/


/skiːd/ /skiːd/
skiing /ˈskiːɪŋ/ /ˈskiːɪŋ/

How to say ski and skied correctly? You can watch the videos below:

Ski pronunciation:


Skied pronunciation:

Skiing pronunciation:

What Are The Definitions Of “Ski”? How To Use Skied?

As the past tense of “ski,” skied is typically used to describe an action that has already happened in the past. Here are some examples of how to use “skied” in different contexts:

Example 1: We skied down the mountain as fast as we could, feeling the wind in our hair and the rush of adrenaline.

Example 2: After a few lessons, he finally skied without falling and enjoyed his time on the slopes.

  • To travel or journey on skis:

Example 1: They skied across the Arctic tundra to reach the research station.

Example 2: My friends and I had skied over 100 miles by the end of our winter camping trip.


Created on By Benjamin Essek

Past Tense Of To Ski

Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank:

1 / 7

The team has ____ across the frozen tundra for days, enduring harsh weather and rugged terrain.

2 / 7

They ____ through the powder all morning, reveling in the untouched slopes.

3 / 7

When she came to his house, she was really tired but satisfied as she had ____ a worthwhile journey.

4 / 7

They are _____ down the hillside, weaving in and out of trees, and reaching the bottom.

5 / 7

They were exhausted but happy when they arrived at the mountain hut because they _____ such a beautiful route.

6 / 7

He had never ____ in such deep snow before, but with practice, he became more confident.

7 / 7

Last winter, we ____ on frozen lakes and rivers, exploring the wilderness of nature.

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Is “Ski” Can Be Used As A Noun?

Yes, the word “ski” can be used as a noun. As a noun, “ski” refers to a long, narrow, flat piece of equipment that is used for gliding or sliding over snow or water. Below are some examples:

  • The ski instructor checked the student’s skis to make sure they were properly adjusted.
  • The skis were too heavy for the child to carry on their own, so the parent helped them. (See past tense of carry here)

What Does “Getting Out Over Your Skis” Mean?

“Getting out over your skis” is an idiom that means trying to do something too early before someone is ready or prepared. 

  • Example 1: He got out over his skis by proposing to her on their first date. Yet, she was completely caught off guard and didn’t feel ready for it.
  • Example 2: The company got out over its skis by launching the product before it had gone through proper testing. As a result, several serious issues arose after the launch.

Can We Use “Ski” As An Adjective?

Yes. Ski can be used as an adjective in certain contexts to describe things that are related to the sport of skiing. It can only be used before a noun. Below are a few examples:

  • I need to buy a new ski jacket before the winter season starts.
  • The ski season in this area typically lasts from November through March.

The ski slope was steep and challenging, but it provided a thrilling experience.