Subject Pronouns Quiz

1. A subject pronoun is any pronoun used as the subject of

 a noun

 an adjective

 a verb

2. Which of these words can act as a subject pronoun?




3. “He gave me the address and I met him there.” Which are the subject pronouns in this sentence?

 he and me

 me and him

 he and I

4. If a personal pronoun is used as the subject of a verb, it must be in the

 objective case

 subjective case

 invective case

5. “Did Mick get that tattoo _______ wanted?” Which correctly fills the gap?




6. “Who is your favourite singer?” Which is the subject pronoun?




7. “This is my phone.” Which is the subject pronoun?




8. “The car _______ won was a Ferrari.” Which can act as the subject pronoun?




9. Recognising subject pronouns helps us to identify who or what _______ the action of a verb.

 is describing

 is performing

 is modifying

10. It also helps us to separate a subject that performs an action from the _______ that receives the action.




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